My previos technology stack was getting a bit old, so I decided to change things up a bit.
My previous CMS was MeshCMS running on Tomcat/Java. Using the static page export, the files where served by Apache. In addition i had an Apache/Confluence/Tomcat/Java/PostreSQL stack for notetaking. All hosted on which has done a good job hosting a stable Centos 5 machine, keeping it secure and running.
Technology, the internet and common practices has evolved somewhat since Java became cool on the server side back in 1998, when I had my first Servlet writing experience deployed on the JRUN application server. A few months later with IBM Websphere. That’s 17 years ago. Thankfully technology evolves really slowly.
My new technology stack is hosted by DigitalOcean in europe. It’s the $10 plan with an additional $2 for basic backup services. The new stack is Ghost/node.js/Ubuntu
10.4 LTS16.04.01 in addition i use the excellent Cloud 9 IDE.
I’ve decided to discontinue using Confluence. Over the years since I first got an account in 2008, I’ve been using Evernote more and more and upgraded to premium a while back. For other uses Cloud9 gives me the functionality I want.
My primary tool for notetaking is still paper. I’ve used Moleskine for several years, but changed it up a bit last week by getting a couple of Conceptum notebooks from England. The nice thing about them is that they have a place to put my Mitsubishi Hi-Uni pencils from Japan.